The Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility complies with the requirements and guidelines of the NYSDEC, as established in its Solid Waste Management Plan, 6 NYCRR Part 360 Solid Waste Management Plan, and 6 NYCRR Part 360 Solid Waste Management Facility regulations. The Town of Islip has developed a cost-effective recyclables handling and transfer facility for materials collected through its WRAP program, as well as related recyclables delivered to the facility by private vendors, and commercial & institutional establishments. The facility is designed to provide a flexible processing and materials recovery operation.
In May, 1988 the Town of Islip requested proposals - from private vendors - to design and construct a new, greatly expanded recycling facility. Construction of the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility (MRF) began in June, 1989. The facility became operational on December 10, 1990.
The MRF is situated on the 39.4 acre Lincoln Avenue Complex and is located in the unincorporated area of South Holbrook. The facility occupies about 10.5 acres of the overall parcel.
The building systems which comprise the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility include four (4) primary structures. Operations conducted within the structures include recyclables receiving, storage and processing. Also - and as part of the facility’s mission - is the public residential/commercial drop-off area.
The MRF provides expanded processing capability, and allows for recovery of a wide array of materials, as well as a higher percentage of quality product recovered.
The facility was designed with two (2) primary processing lines for back-up redundancy and flexibility. Each line is rated an average of 20 tons per hours (tph). Therefore, during a single eight (8) hour shift, a line can process about 160 tons. Based upon this total processing capability, the MRF has an equivalent weekly design capacity of 700 tons per week (tpw) considering lunch, breaks and required maintenance activities. Due to staffing considerations, only one processing line is operational during a shift, which is appropriate based on the alternating week recyclable collection schedule.
The facility operates in conformance with requirements of State Uniform Procedures Act, Article 70, ECL and 6 NYCRR Part 621.